The journey started in 2016. I was conscious about the foods I was consuming and even though I became aware of the alkaline way when I come across a video of a man named YADA whilst I was just scrolling on Facebook. He was holding two watermelons, one in each hand and mentioned that the watermelons may look the same but then asked the question… “what makes them different” I was intrigued to know the answer as if it was a trick question. He broke it down that one contained seeds and the other was seedless. I still had no clue where he was going with this demonstration so I continued to watch. When he said “how can something that is suppose to be natural grow without a seed” it changed my life. It just all made sense to me about how these so called foods are practically being produced in the lab. After watching practically every video on his page, he mentioned Dr. Sebi who was someone that inspired him. So of course I cut out the middle man and went to the source and then my life really changed.

The journey started in 2016 when I come across a video of a man named YADA whilst I was just scrolling on Facebook. He was holding two watermelons, one in each hand and mentioned that the watermelons may look the same but then asked the question… “what makes them different” I was intrigued to know the answer as if it was a trick question. He began to explain that how only one of the watermelons contained seeds and the other was seedless. I still had no clue where he was going with this demonstration so I continued to watch. When he said “how can something that is suppose to be natural grow without a seed” it lit a lightbulb in my head. It just all made sense to me about how these so called foods are practically being produced in the lab. After watching practically every video on his page, he mentioned Dr. Sebi who was someone that inspired him. So of course I began to research Dr. Sebi and that’s when my life really changed.

I tried stopping all meats, dairy and GMO foods. At first I found it difficult and never really adapted to the lifestyle due to the fact that I did not know what to eat but I was convinced alkaline was the way. I stopped dairy and meat but still ate fish. I was still consuming a lot of starchy products like rice, potato, noodles too. I suffered from bad hay fever, colds and flu’s, regular headaches, stomach aches, constipation and all sorts typical everyday symptoms which I thought were just natural ailments. After a year or so I gave up the seafood and did my first fast. I did a 5 day water fast because you have to detox your body from all the waste like meats that still remained in my body, that been rotting in my system ever since I was a kid.

From all the knowledge I had acquired I was ready to go fully alkaline by the time my daughter was born in 2019. I knew I was going to have to lead by example so this is when my alkaline journey really started... It wasn’t so hard at first as I was aware that babies only needed breast milk but I was still conscious about the unnatural baby products out there. So we used a natural chemical-free baby wash and even natural unbleached nappies. When her mum could no longer breast feed, we had to find an alternative but I didn’t think that far ahead. I was not prepared so for a couple months she was on a lactose free formula but that did not agree with her at all. She would be constantly throwing the milk back up so often that anyone that held her, whether she had just been fed or not would end up with regurgitated baby formula all over them. We tried a few different formulas but none of them worked. Her body was naturally rejecting the formulas due to the amount of chemicals, preservatives and additives in the them. I then decided to do a bit more research and found out we could make milk using nuts and spring water. I first tried to make coconut milk but it did not agree with her and after trying a few other options she settled on brazil nuts. I was so relieved, I would add seamoss to make sure she was getting the minerals she required to grow strong and healthy! Ever since this day I knew alkaline was 100% the lifestyle for us.

I no longer suffer from the ailments I mentioned before no headaches or stomach aches, hay fever gone and I can not remember the last time I was ill it has been years. My daughter has never been to a doctor for any illnesses and continues to thrive. Dr. Sebi says “If GOD didn’t make it, don’t take it!”

Now we handcraft all our products and we don’t use any preservatives or additives. Our products are all chemical-free and we only use ingredients that Mother nature has kindly provided for us.