iMC -102 Mineral Compound (900ml)


iMC ( iMiND MiNERAL COMPOUND ) contains many powerful herbs but just 3 alone provide us with the minerals our bodies require for optimal health, seamoss, bladderwrack and burdock. Seamoss and bladderwrack provide the body with 92 out of the necessary 102 minerals. When you add burdock which provides the remaining 10 minerals you have the full 102 minerals.


We have also added several iron rich herbs to this compound. The late great Alphonso Bowman aka DR. SEBI says that “ IRON FLUORINE has been taken from our diet “. When you iron deficient you are vulnerable to many diseases. Iron is the mineral that carries oxygen throughout the body. It contains Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen the Chinese call this CHO. Without iron the body loses energy and the immune becomes compromised.

Doctors will tell you not to take too much Iron because it will bind you and that is correct. The ferro sulphate iron tablets that they prescribed to you, which is extracted from rocks will bind you. The Iron phosphates which are extracted from the soil the plants grow in can easily be broken down and digested by the body. Iron is the spark plug of the human body and is the only mineral on the entire planet that is magnetic. So the fact that it is magnetic it has a tendency to pull other minerals to it, so essentially you taking other minerals also. The blood is Iron.

Our minerals come in two forms liquid and rock. The body finds can not break down rocks so therefore the best way for us to consume our minerals would be from the liquid form. All the minerals we need for optimal health can be absorbed from the soil by the plants which we then consume. Fruits and vegetation but mainly fruits contain most of the vital minerals we need for optimal health and hydrating the cells.

Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect cells in the body from damage due to free radicals. They can help treat and prevent several different health conditions. The antioxidant action helps reduce inflammation. Studies have found that burdock root reduced inflammatory markers in the blood for patients with osteoarthritis.

Thyroid Improvement

Bladderwrack is the greatest source for iodine. Iodine is an important modulator of our thyroid gland and can ensure that our hormonal and metabolic activities are under control. As a powerful source of iodine, sea moss, bladderwrack and burdock root benefits have become associated with treating many types of thyroid disorders. Primarily, the bladderwrack stimulates the thyroid gland to increase hormonal output.

Improve Digestion

Because of the soothing effects of sea moss on the mucous membranes in the body, it works as an amazing digestive aid. It coats the stomach and helps to relieve the body of ulcers. In addition, it helps to alleviate acid reflux by providing probiotics for improved gut health. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root are also packed with fibre that regulates bowel movement and alleviates gas.

Detoxes Blood

One of the most common traditional uses for burdock root has been to purify the blood. Recent evidence has found that burdock root can remove toxins from the bloodstream. Burdock root specifically has active ingredients that have been found to detoxify heavy metals from the blood, improving organ health and the health of the whole body. It also promotes blood circulation to the skin surface, which improves skin health.

Reduced Inflammation

One of the other popular uses of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root over the years has been as an anti-inflammatory substance. Burdock root is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, and it can be an important part of an arthritis diet.

Anticancer Potential

Acitretin is a lignan found in burdock root, which has been shown to combat cancer cells by selectively stopping the proliferation of cancer cells and by inhibiting the cancer cells’ production of particular proteins stopping cancer’s ability to reproduce. Fucoidan is a unique type of fibre found in high quantities within bladderwrack. Research suggests that fucoidan, found in bladderwrack, has many beneficial properties that include anti-viral, anti-tumour, anti-coagulant, anti-angiogenic, and anti-arthritic properties.

Weight Loss

Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root’s iodine content help to boost metabolism and increase energy. In addition, its ability to absorb moisture and increase bulk creates the feeling of fullness, which helps to decrease appetite. The gentle laxative effect helps to process waste through the body faster and accelerate weight loss.

Anemia Relief

A lack of oxygen in the blood results in lower haemoglobin levels and decreased red blood cell count. This condition is usually diagnosed as Anemia. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root, which are rich in iron helps to maintain a healthy red blood cell count and helps fight this condition.

Improve Vision

The high levels of beta-carotene found in bladderwrack make it an ideal solution for those looking to improve their vision. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that directly neutralized free radicals in the eyes and cornea. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root have also been shown to slow down macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts.

Improve Joint Health

The anti-inflammatory benefits of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root help to decrease swelling in and around the joints. In addition, it soothes the soft tissue and promotes motility. The algae in this mix is a go-to for anyone suffering from arthritis, joint pain or even for athletes desiring to speed recovery after intense workouts.

Sexual Health and Fertility

In the Caribbean, sea moss is mostly used as a natural aphrodisiac for men. It is touted as a potent natural sexual enhancer. Burdock root extract has shown enhanced sexual function and increased the amount of sexual behaviour. The rich zinc content makes it ideal for boosting testosterone and male performance. In addition, it helps to increase sperm count and improve fertility.

Other herbs

This product also contains; sarsaparilla, red clover, blue vervain, yellow dock, damiana and nettle.

You can add iMC to your herbal teas, smoothies, soups, stews or you can take it straight of the spoon. It taste bitter/sweet and has a ocean like smell from the bladderwrack. The texture is like jelly. This product has no additives, preservatives and is made using herbs and spring water. Child friendly. Pregnancy friendly

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iMC ( iMiND MiNERAL COMPOUND ) contains many powerful herbs but just 3 alone provide us with the minerals our bodies require for optimal health, seamoss, bladderwrack and burdock. Seamoss and bladderwrack provide the body with 92 out of the necessary 102 minerals. When you add burdock which provides the remaining 10 minerals you have the full 102 minerals.


We have also added several iron rich herbs to this compound. The late great Alphonso Bowman aka DR. SEBI says that “ IRON FLUORINE has been taken from our diet “. When you iron deficient you are vulnerable to many diseases. Iron is the mineral that carries oxygen throughout the body. It contains Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen the Chinese call this CHO. Without iron the body loses energy and the immune becomes compromised.

Doctors will tell you not to take too much Iron because it will bind you and that is correct. The ferro sulphate iron tablets that they prescribed to you, which is extracted from rocks will bind you. The Iron phosphates which are extracted from the soil the plants grow in can easily be broken down and digested by the body. Iron is the spark plug of the human body and is the only mineral on the entire planet that is magnetic. So the fact that it is magnetic it has a tendency to pull other minerals to it, so essentially you taking other minerals also. The blood is Iron.

Our minerals come in two forms liquid and rock. The body finds can not break down rocks so therefore the best way for us to consume our minerals would be from the liquid form. All the minerals we need for optimal health can be absorbed from the soil by the plants which we then consume. Fruits and vegetation but mainly fruits contain most of the vital minerals we need for optimal health and hydrating the cells.

Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect cells in the body from damage due to free radicals. They can help treat and prevent several different health conditions. The antioxidant action helps reduce inflammation. Studies have found that burdock root reduced inflammatory markers in the blood for patients with osteoarthritis.

Thyroid Improvement

Bladderwrack is the greatest source for iodine. Iodine is an important modulator of our thyroid gland and can ensure that our hormonal and metabolic activities are under control. As a powerful source of iodine, sea moss, bladderwrack and burdock root benefits have become associated with treating many types of thyroid disorders. Primarily, the bladderwrack stimulates the thyroid gland to increase hormonal output.

Improve Digestion

Because of the soothing effects of sea moss on the mucous membranes in the body, it works as an amazing digestive aid. It coats the stomach and helps to relieve the body of ulcers. In addition, it helps to alleviate acid reflux by providing probiotics for improved gut health. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root are also packed with fibre that regulates bowel movement and alleviates gas.

Detoxes Blood

One of the most common traditional uses for burdock root has been to purify the blood. Recent evidence has found that burdock root can remove toxins from the bloodstream. Burdock root specifically has active ingredients that have been found to detoxify heavy metals from the blood, improving organ health and the health of the whole body. It also promotes blood circulation to the skin surface, which improves skin health.

Reduced Inflammation

One of the other popular uses of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root over the years has been as an anti-inflammatory substance. Burdock root is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, and it can be an important part of an arthritis diet.

Anticancer Potential

Acitretin is a lignan found in burdock root, which has been shown to combat cancer cells by selectively stopping the proliferation of cancer cells and by inhibiting the cancer cells’ production of particular proteins stopping cancer’s ability to reproduce. Fucoidan is a unique type of fibre found in high quantities within bladderwrack. Research suggests that fucoidan, found in bladderwrack, has many beneficial properties that include anti-viral, anti-tumour, anti-coagulant, anti-angiogenic, and anti-arthritic properties.

Weight Loss

Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root’s iodine content help to boost metabolism and increase energy. In addition, its ability to absorb moisture and increase bulk creates the feeling of fullness, which helps to decrease appetite. The gentle laxative effect helps to process waste through the body faster and accelerate weight loss.

Anemia Relief

A lack of oxygen in the blood results in lower haemoglobin levels and decreased red blood cell count. This condition is usually diagnosed as Anemia. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root, which are rich in iron helps to maintain a healthy red blood cell count and helps fight this condition.

Improve Vision

The high levels of beta-carotene found in bladderwrack make it an ideal solution for those looking to improve their vision. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that directly neutralized free radicals in the eyes and cornea. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root have also been shown to slow down macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts.

Improve Joint Health

The anti-inflammatory benefits of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root help to decrease swelling in and around the joints. In addition, it soothes the soft tissue and promotes motility. The algae in this mix is a go-to for anyone suffering from arthritis, joint pain or even for athletes desiring to speed recovery after intense workouts.

Sexual Health and Fertility

In the Caribbean, sea moss is mostly used as a natural aphrodisiac for men. It is touted as a potent natural sexual enhancer. Burdock root extract has shown enhanced sexual function and increased the amount of sexual behaviour. The rich zinc content makes it ideal for boosting testosterone and male performance. In addition, it helps to increase sperm count and improve fertility.

Other herbs

This product also contains; sarsaparilla, red clover, blue vervain, yellow dock, damiana and nettle.

You can add iMC to your herbal teas, smoothies, soups, stews or you can take it straight of the spoon. It taste bitter/sweet and has a ocean like smell from the bladderwrack. The texture is like jelly. This product has no additives, preservatives and is made using herbs and spring water. Child friendly. Pregnancy friendly

iMC ( iMiND MiNERAL COMPOUND ) contains many powerful herbs but just 3 alone provide us with the minerals our bodies require for optimal health, seamoss, bladderwrack and burdock. Seamoss and bladderwrack provide the body with 92 out of the necessary 102 minerals. When you add burdock which provides the remaining 10 minerals you have the full 102 minerals.


We have also added several iron rich herbs to this compound. The late great Alphonso Bowman aka DR. SEBI says that “ IRON FLUORINE has been taken from our diet “. When you iron deficient you are vulnerable to many diseases. Iron is the mineral that carries oxygen throughout the body. It contains Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen the Chinese call this CHO. Without iron the body loses energy and the immune becomes compromised.

Doctors will tell you not to take too much Iron because it will bind you and that is correct. The ferro sulphate iron tablets that they prescribed to you, which is extracted from rocks will bind you. The Iron phosphates which are extracted from the soil the plants grow in can easily be broken down and digested by the body. Iron is the spark plug of the human body and is the only mineral on the entire planet that is magnetic. So the fact that it is magnetic it has a tendency to pull other minerals to it, so essentially you taking other minerals also. The blood is Iron.

Our minerals come in two forms liquid and rock. The body finds can not break down rocks so therefore the best way for us to consume our minerals would be from the liquid form. All the minerals we need for optimal health can be absorbed from the soil by the plants which we then consume. Fruits and vegetation but mainly fruits contain most of the vital minerals we need for optimal health and hydrating the cells.

Loaded with Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect cells in the body from damage due to free radicals. They can help treat and prevent several different health conditions. The antioxidant action helps reduce inflammation. Studies have found that burdock root reduced inflammatory markers in the blood for patients with osteoarthritis.

Thyroid Improvement

Bladderwrack is the greatest source for iodine. Iodine is an important modulator of our thyroid gland and can ensure that our hormonal and metabolic activities are under control. As a powerful source of iodine, sea moss, bladderwrack and burdock root benefits have become associated with treating many types of thyroid disorders. Primarily, the bladderwrack stimulates the thyroid gland to increase hormonal output.

Improve Digestion

Because of the soothing effects of sea moss on the mucous membranes in the body, it works as an amazing digestive aid. It coats the stomach and helps to relieve the body of ulcers. In addition, it helps to alleviate acid reflux by providing probiotics for improved gut health. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root are also packed with fibre that regulates bowel movement and alleviates gas.

Detoxes Blood

One of the most common traditional uses for burdock root has been to purify the blood. Recent evidence has found that burdock root can remove toxins from the bloodstream. Burdock root specifically has active ingredients that have been found to detoxify heavy metals from the blood, improving organ health and the health of the whole body. It also promotes blood circulation to the skin surface, which improves skin health.

Reduced Inflammation

One of the other popular uses of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root over the years has been as an anti-inflammatory substance. Burdock root is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, and it can be an important part of an arthritis diet.

Anticancer Potential

Acitretin is a lignan found in burdock root, which has been shown to combat cancer cells by selectively stopping the proliferation of cancer cells and by inhibiting the cancer cells’ production of particular proteins stopping cancer’s ability to reproduce. Fucoidan is a unique type of fibre found in high quantities within bladderwrack. Research suggests that fucoidan, found in bladderwrack, has many beneficial properties that include anti-viral, anti-tumour, anti-coagulant, anti-angiogenic, and anti-arthritic properties.

Weight Loss

Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root’s iodine content help to boost metabolism and increase energy. In addition, its ability to absorb moisture and increase bulk creates the feeling of fullness, which helps to decrease appetite. The gentle laxative effect helps to process waste through the body faster and accelerate weight loss.

Anemia Relief

A lack of oxygen in the blood results in lower haemoglobin levels and decreased red blood cell count. This condition is usually diagnosed as Anemia. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root, which are rich in iron helps to maintain a healthy red blood cell count and helps fight this condition.

Improve Vision

The high levels of beta-carotene found in bladderwrack make it an ideal solution for those looking to improve their vision. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that directly neutralized free radicals in the eyes and cornea. Sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root have also been shown to slow down macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts.

Improve Joint Health

The anti-inflammatory benefits of sea moss, bladderwrack, and burdock root help to decrease swelling in and around the joints. In addition, it soothes the soft tissue and promotes motility. The algae in this mix is a go-to for anyone suffering from arthritis, joint pain or even for athletes desiring to speed recovery after intense workouts.

Sexual Health and Fertility

In the Caribbean, sea moss is mostly used as a natural aphrodisiac for men. It is touted as a potent natural sexual enhancer. Burdock root extract has shown enhanced sexual function and increased the amount of sexual behaviour. The rich zinc content makes it ideal for boosting testosterone and male performance. In addition, it helps to increase sperm count and improve fertility.

Other herbs

This product also contains; sarsaparilla, red clover, blue vervain, yellow dock, damiana and nettle.

You can add iMC to your herbal teas, smoothies, soups, stews or you can take it straight of the spoon. It taste bitter/sweet and has a ocean like smell from the bladderwrack. The texture is like jelly. This product has no additives, preservatives and is made using herbs and spring water. Child friendly. Pregnancy friendly